Language and Literature Learning and Didactics of German (Praxis Projects)

The series Language and Literature Learning and Didactics of German (Praxis Projects) (Sprachlich-Literarisches Lernen und Deutschdidaktik – Unterrichtsvorhaben, SLLD-U) presents practical teaching projects, ideally tested in practice, which are suitable for use as models for competence-promoting teaching of German as a school subject. The projects are didactically well-founded, analytically prepared, and offer implementation possibilities. The materials provided should be freely accessible and teachers should be able to adapt and develop them further (the principal of Open Educational Resources).
Language, literature or media didactic projects are equally welcome welcome as projects that reflect current cross-sectional school topics such as inclusion, “education in the digital world” or “education for sustainable development” in relation to language and literature learning.
The series is aimed at teachers (including trainee teachers), those involved in teacher training and university students.
Contributions can be submitted to the members of the editorial staff at any time and unsolicited.
Contact us:
Prof. Dr. Juliane Dube
Nadine Hoff
Jun.-Prof.in Magdalena Kißling
Boris Körkel
Prof. Dr. Benjamin Uhl
Dr. Johannes Wild
Heike Wirthwein
Call for Papers for SLLD-U
No current call for papers.