Language and Literature Learning and Didactics of German (Propaedeutic Series)

The series Language and Literature Learning and Didactics of German (Propaedeutic Series) (Sprachlich-Literarisches Lernen und Deutschdidaktik – Einführungen, SLLD-E) provides easy-to-understand introductions to German didactics. Impulses from relevant reference sciences are included. The volumes are intended for all those interested in the scientifically based teaching of language and literary learning. The series is aimed at all types of schools, although volumes with a school-specific focus are also possible. The texts are aimed at beginners, but are also suitable for advanced students, trainee teachers and teachers. They can be used in conjunction with courses or in self-study. Previous knowledge for the reading material is not necessary.
Contributions can be submitted to the editorial office at any time and unsolicited.
Members of the editorial office:
Prof. Dr. Birgit Mesch
Prof. Dr. Cornelius Herz
Prof. Dr. Björn Rothstein
Dr. Caroline Schuttkowski
Former Members of the editorial office:
Prof. Dr. Florian Radvan
Contact and submission of contributions: Björn Rothstein