„Language and Literature Learning and Didactics of German (volumes)“ is a cooperation project of the German language didactics of the Universität Duisburg-Essen and the Ruhr-Universität Bochum as well as the German literature didactics of the Bergische Universität Wuppertal.
Open Access for German Didactics. A model for subject-related didactic publishing
SLLD is funded as a project by the German Research Foundation. It establishes digital publishing in German didactics by implementing the following criteria: (1) the published works are accessible through open-access; (2) quality assurance is carried out in a double-blind peer review process with the participation of a scientific advisory board made up of relevant members; (3) the subject matter supports the interdisciplinary networking of the German didactic community with neighbouring disciplines; (4) the contributions are accompanied by English-language abstracts in order to promote the international availability of scientific results. While these standards are already firmly established in other scientific disciplines, there is still a need for development in the German didactic community in this respect, due to the lack of appropriate publication outlets. At the same time, the project addresses the uncoordinated coexistence of research-centered and teaching-related publications in German didactics. In this way, it brings those colleagues closer together again who, following their respective professions as teachers at school, university, or study seminars, understand German didactics more as a purely application-oriented or as a theoretical, empirical, and/or research oriented towards the fundamentals Four publication formats are established under the title Language and Literature Learning and Didactics of German: a scientific journal, a series of scientific monographs, a scientific preparatory series as well as a series for transfer to practical fields (e.g. teachers, subject leaders). The publication model developed for this purpose and the associated resources are to be transferable for the teaching of other subjects and, in the final phase of the project, be made more widely known through dissemination measures.
The project was approved by the DFG in May 2019.